Saturday 17 March 2012

Parish Notice – 17 March 2012

I am trying out a few configuration options to see what they do and to consider whether any of them should be kept, or discarded after a try-out period. Therefore if something changes, do not be concerned. It might go back again a day or two later, if I don't think it's worth keeping.

One change I've made, here and elsewhere, is to remove references to Medway's bid for City Status, as that is now all over – until the next time...

I've also checked this 'blog's posting statistics: I'm now up to 3,086 posts here, and 2,677 published comments. That might surprise readers, that there has been an average of a little under one comment for every post – or perhaps it might be easier to visualise as one comment for each of seven-out-of-eight posts (actually 86·7%).

Okay, Guido (for example) gets hundreds of comments to most of his posts; but that is to be expected, and a lot of the comments there are just 'noise'. I'd rather have a higher quality of commenting, but do not aim to attract or encourage commenting at all, as it happens (apart from the occasional request for contributions, which don't tend to produce any results, contrarily!)

Although I trundle along quietly enough here, this 'blog is more widely read and more notice is taken of it than many visitors probably realise. It's how I work best: putting facts out there into the public arena, exploding myths, spreading awareness – that kind of thing.

There is a lot of mis-information being put about by those who are well aware of its falsity, and it is only right and proper that such deception is countered by those of us (and there are quite a few about these days) who are known for "playing it straight". Add a fair degree of breadth of topic, of knowledge and of personal experience, but also add in some lighter material for variety and entertainment, and we have what I hope is a place that is worth visiting on a regular basis.

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