Friday 21 December 2012

The Eve of Destruction?

I'm old enough to remember the record...

The Mayan prediction that the world as we know it will come to an end on today's date (and several other international sources back it up with their own foretelling) has two big problems.

Of course, where the Mayans lived runs either five or six hours behind us here in Britain, so their doomsday won't even begin until either 5 or 6 am GMT. I don't think any particular time of day was ever specified, so presumably it could happen any time within the following 24 hours.

Anyway, those big problems...

First is the fact that it is all very geocentric, in that everything has to align to the Earth and our solar system in terms of time, plane of the ecliptic and other factors. The galaxy isn't going to twist itself about all of a sudden, just to align with us – or into any other shared alignment either. The timing relates to cycles geared to the Earth's annual rotation around the Sun, and is altogether too round a number to be valid in such matters anyway. Also, there is no mysterious planet (Nibiru?) approaching the Solar System...

The other problem is, in actuality, even bigger; and that is that this can happen only with the Second Coming – and that, as we have been made unambiguously aware, is to be at a time that no-one apart from God the Father knows. It will come "like a thief in the night", we are told, at an unexpected time and day.

Thus I do not believe this will actually happen within the next 28 hours or so (as I write this), primarily for the above two reasons.

(UPDATE) Meanwhile, as we wait to find out, here's NASA's FAQ on the topic which, although not to be taken as absolute knowledge, does provide some useful information, including backing-up much of what I wrote above last night...

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